Is Your Organization Ready to Land Its Biggest Deals This Year?

Many things have changed this year. The pandemic has forced many sales organizations to rethink their strategies, tactics, and goals. Now that you’re busy setting goals for the new year, it’s a good time to go back to basics and ensure your foundation is solid for the months to come.

In this article, we’re going through the essential elements you should review and always keep updated to succeed in real-time sales and marketing. Plus, consider these B2B sales trends to stay ahead of the game.

TL;DR: You can download this one-page checklist to assess if your company is ready for real-time sales.

1. Revisit your ideal customer profile

Much has changed in the last few months, so ask yourself, what’s the sweet spot now? Reviewing your ICP will reassess resource allocation and strategies.

>> Download ideal customer profile template

2. Build highly-targeted account lists

Once you’ve refined your ICP, use additional data points to segment further your target group. Create small account clusters to build highly customized campaigns.

>> How to drive sales with targeted marketing

3. Develop a smarketing strategy

Do your sales and marketing work together? Do they share the same funnel and goals? Is software integrated for data alignment? Define a service-level agreement to boost collaboration.

>> Create a sales and marketing SLA with this template

4. Set up automatic data cleaning and data enrichment processes

Data cleaning is a process and not a one-time project. Only when you have a tidy database you can move forward and enrich your data with additional data points.

>> 6 steps to data cleaning

5. Warm up your cold outreach with trigger events

Reaching out at the wrong time? Automatic workflows based on trigger events bring ideal timing and will warm up your cold outreach.

>> 10 examples of the most common trigger events

6. Personalize your messaging based on the changes at the companies

Data-driven insights make personalization commonplace. They also open the door to highly-targeted, hyper-tailored strategies like ABM.

>> Get The Beginner’s Handbook to Account-Based Marketing

7. Always keep your playbook up-to-date

Your sales process has changed? New strategies and tactics? Ensure your sales playbook it’s updated and complements the way your company works.

> Download sales playbook template

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