Ideal Customer Profile: Practical Guide And A Template
Knowing you are focusing sales and marketing resources on the right companies isn’t all that easy, but one thing is certain: You can’t know if you haven’t defined a...
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Knowing you are focusing sales and marketing resources on the right companies isn’t all that easy, but one thing is certain: You can’t know if you haven’t defined a...
The qualifying acronym BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing) that IBM revolutionized sales with over ten years ago has fallen out of favor recently. A significant...
We have been fortunate to have lot of success in Vainu when it comes to sales prospecting, thanks to our own prospecting platform. Our B2B sales teams are able to...
For most companies, there are millions of sales prospects available. For decades, salespeople have struggled to prioritize certain prospects over others.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a machine that can complete a task in a smart way, one that was previously performed by humans, and which needed human...
Are you still sales prospecting with static prospecting lists from one of the many list providers out there? If you answered yes, it’s seriously time to step up your...
In competitive and growing industries — like in the software as a service (SaaS) market — it can be nice to benchmark yourself and review high level trends to determine...
Scaling has probably been one of the most rewarding – but also challenging – things I’ve had to do as the co-founder of Vainu. While the rush of bringing on ambitious...
Are you one of those sales reps that spend only one-third of your day actually selling? Does the rest of your day go to administrative tasks that could have easily been...