Guide for Sales Prospecting in Logistics and Transportation Companies
We might live in an ‘automation era’, but that doesn’t mean all things get from point A to B by themselves. It’s up to logistics companies to provide all the...
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We might live in an ‘automation era’, but that doesn’t mean all things get from point A to B by themselves. It’s up to logistics companies to provide all the...
Many things have changed this year. The pandemic has forced many sales organizations to rethink their strategies, tactics, and goals. Now that you’re busy setting goals...
Nobody likes ads. And yet, we’ve never seen—and created— as many ads as we do today. If nothing else, the internet gave us the omnipresence of targeted ads.
Look, generating lists of prospects fitting your target industry, company size and title is easy. But calling blindly through prospect lists with a generic pitch just...
It's a sign of the times. Everyone has easy access to data on pretty much any company (and anything) in the world today. That's not the problem. The real problem with...
It’s well documented that target marketing campaigns, like account-based marketing (ABM), deliver better results and higher return on investment. The rationale is very...
Vainu Company View for Chrome will show the company information you need to build prospect lists and reach out in just one click.
What do top salespeople want? Besides success and eternal glory, that’s it. Salespeople want to know who they should be selling to, what they should be talking about,...
Data has become a commodity. For marketers, too. If that’s the case, how can marketing pros wear their data expert’s hat for five minutes and be better marketers? Read...