Q2 Product Update: Operation Spring Cleaning

A wise man once said that there are no solutions, only tradeoffs. And that’s true for us as well. A consequence of focusing on launching new features and products is that you can’t dedicate as many resources to making smaller, less visible changes to your product. This leads to somewhat of a development backlog.

So, Q2 this year has been somewhat of a “spring cleaning” quarter for us here at Vainu! We have big plans for new releases in Q3 and Q4, but we wanted to ensure we’d worked through our existing backlog before that. So here are some of the “smaller” fixes and improvements that have been made to our Platform since Q1:

CSV download:

  • If only one field-to-rows data point (VCI, Business units, Contacts, Financial statements) is selected, only 1 CSV will be created.
  • Official employee count—Number of employees (official)—has been added to CSV download as an option under Basic data.
  • LinkedIn link was added to the CSV preview and download.
  • Contact object is shown but disabled with a CTA in the data point selection tree when the user doesn’t have permission.

Company profiles:

  • “Add to static list” and “Send to” buttons have been added to company & pop-up profiles.
  • Opening/clicking on a company from the Group Structure tab or the Similar Companies list opens the new company in a new browser tab as a full-page profile, showing the Overview tab.
  • Official employee count—Number of employees (latest official)—added to company profiles in Nordic databases.
  • Contact titles can be sorted alphabetically in Employees & Board member tables.
  • Contacts added to Overview tab.


  • Filter menu sorting is synced with the tabs on company cards & company overview tab.
  • All financial filters were moved into a single filter group.
    • Specifically, the Company size filter has been expanded into a group of filters. Now, this default group includes these filters:
      • Number of employees (official)
      • Revenue (local)
      • Revenue (€)
      • Estimated size (~employees)

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.47.15


  • The six last opened lists are visible in the target list view, and the last opened list will open by default when logging in/switching databases.


  • The notification from CRM export shows the correct count for both companies and contacts.
  • We now show live feedback of individual contacts and companies sent to the CRM.
    • Feedback is shown in the list when:
      • You send one contact/company with the send button
      • You select some contacts/companies with the checkboxes
    • Feedback is limited to the notification panel when:
      • You select all contacts/companies with the checkboxes
      • You send the whole list with the send button
  • A “Send to” button  (=single company export) was added to companies if not in CRM.
  • Users can select more than one contact when exporting a single company;
    • The “Select” component has mass selection actions (“Select all”/“Deselect all”)
  • CRM Export dialog: Contact options show more data about each contact.
  • Mapping: Users can add more than 1 custom input fallback to a mapping. The previous limit was 1 custom input fallback, but now allowing users more custom inputs makes sense because they can use a DB query as a custom input value.

See you next quarter

Operation Spring Cleaning has been a success, and we've made many small changes and improvements that will make life easier for our users. If you were hoping for more than these "smaller" updates, you can safely look forward to the product releases and updates we've got up our sleeve for the rest of the year!

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Q2 Product Update: Operation Spring Cleaning Nikolai Bang

Part-time tea drinker. Full-time marketer at Vainu Denmark.