Updates to Our Finnish Database Increase Your Benefit From Vainu

What a month it has been. Many business owners have been forced to look for alternative ways to bring in revenue, and at Vainu, we saw the usage of our prospecting tool grew with 12% last month. For most of our customers, adapting to these challenging times has meant rethinking how to benefit from Vainu to the max. Here are a few new updates to the Finnish Vainu database to smoothen your sales prospecting.

Temporary Exceptions in Business

We've added a signal "Temporary Exceptions in Business" to the Finnish database under the Signals filter. For those working with existing clients, it's crucial, especially now, to be aware of any significant changes that would affect your customer relationship negatively. Combine this signal with a list of your current customers and do contact those customers who are struggling. Offering your help is the best way to ensure the customer relationship continues for years to come. 


A significant increase in the number of prospects in the Finnish database

The number of prospects in the Finnish database has recently increased from around 890 000 to 1 220 000. Previously private entrepreneurs that had not registered any official name for their business were not displayed in Vainu. Moving forward, we'll show all these companies with the entrepreneur's full name as the company name.

The Finnish Vainu database now covers all companies available in The Business Information System (YTJ), including the companies in the Register of Foundations (Säätiörekisteri), Register of Associations (Yhdistysrekisteri) as well as all those companies that are not registered to the Trade Register (Kaupparekisteri). Also, we will add the official language the company is using in their communication to Vainu shortly.

Korona funding from Business Finland

Now you can easily find the companies that have received funding from Business Finland. Navigate to the Quick lists category under the Financials filter and search for "Business Finland rahoitus 2020" or "Business Finlandilta 100 000 euroa korona tukea saaneet yritykset".

Funding from Business Finland

Stay well!

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