Q3 2024 Product Roundup: Easier Triggers, New CSV Export Options, and More.

After the lull during the summer months, as everyone takes their (well-deserved) breaks from work, we've been busy at work here at Vainu getting our big releases ready for you all to enjoy. And they are getting really close to being ready. But they need a little more time in the oven before being released.

However, just because the big releases aren't ready yet doesn't mean that things haven't shipped that will (hopefully) improve your experience of Vainu.

In chronological order of their releases, here we go:

The number of contacts matching the chosen filters is now visible in the list view 

This hotly requested quality-of-life improvement updates the Table view to show how many contacts per company match your chosen contact filters. You can see that number under the Contacts column. 

We've also created a shortcut that allows you to click on the number in the Contacts column to open a new window that shows the contact details of the relevant individual(s), so you don't need to open the company profile, switch to the Employees tab, and track down the individual(s). Saves you a few seconds!

HR Function

Our Connector is now able to match companies in Salesforce via Lead objects.

This is for our current (and future!) Salesforce-using customers, so if you're not using Salesforce, then there's not much for you to see here!

But for those of you using Salesforce, we bring good tidings! Our Connector (a plug-and-play integration between our databases and Salesforce) can now match companies in Salesforce via Lead objects in addition to Account objects.

This feature needs to be enabled, so if you're interested in getting involved, contact your customer success representative, and they'll be happy to help.

It's now much easier to create triggers.

We’ve made creating triggers for your company lists simpler than ever. All you have to do now is use the "Track changes" button that appears at the top right of the UI when you're in your list view to go directly to that list's triggers. This update streamlines setting up and monitoring triggers, making it a snap for our users.

Here's an (internal) video that one of our fantastic team members (if you're quick, you might notice his name popping up somewhere in the video) made to demonstrate the new release. Despite being intended as an internal video, I thought it was so good that it shouldn't just be hidden away in one of our Slack channels, so I asked if I could use it in this blog, and I was given permission. 

See for yourself how easy it is to create triggers now:

Industry Code is now available as a field option in CSV Export

This last update is an excellent example of being responsive to customer feedback. Our Support Team Lead, Bini, made a product development suggestion based on the input of several customers requesting ISIC industry codes to be included in exports—something it wasn't previously but is now!

Additionally, CSV now includes primary and secondary industry descriptions and codes. This is available in SE/DK/NO where we get multiple industry codes from the official registry.

Here's what that looks like in practice:

Industry Code CSV Export

New product releases are coming soon

With new releases just around the corner, you'll be hearing from us soon. Until then, here's a little sneak peek of what's coming soon:

DM Triggers Sneak Peek

Look forward to it! See you soon 👋

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Q3 2024 Product Roundup: Easier Triggers, New CSV Export Options, and More. Nikolai Bang

Part-time tea drinker. Full-time marketer at Vainu Denmark.