Vainu for webCRM integration

It is the start of a new year and Vainu has been busy developing an exciting assortment of new features and integrations to help you make more informed sales and marketing decisions. There are a lot of updates that will be released over the course of 2021 and, today, we are happy to share with you one of our new integrations - Vainu for webCRM! To put it briefly, this integration will give the user access to a range of Vainu’s features directly in webCRM.

But, enough preamble, let us get into the meat of the matter!


Seeing only what they deemed as unnecessarily complex CRM systems within the marketplace, webCRM sought to make a system that was simple, accessible, and intuitive for its users. While their cloud-based CRM system will not do the full work for you, it will certainly help you organise your workflows so that you can focus on the most important tasks.

webCRM’s system is built to make every step of the sales pipeline easy for you, whether it be segmenting your current leads and prospects, personalizing your sales activities, or generating new leads. The system is built to give you the breathing room that you need to be able to focus on the tasks that require your full attention.

Vainu for webCRM

Vainu Single Lookup: Add companies to your CRM with the click of a button

Vainu for webCRM is available in two versions. Vainu Single Lookup is free for all webCRM Plus- and Enterprise users. This version lets you search for companies directly in webCRM and import their company information from Vainu into webCRM, with the click of a button. If any changes occur to a company you’ve imported to webCRM using Vainu Single Lookup, an exclamation mark will appear in the company profile informing you that the company information is not up-to-date. With a simple click, you can update that company’s information.


Vainu Premium: Find your ideal companies and keep your CRM-data up-to-date

On top of all the benefits of Vainu Single Lookup, Vainu Premium gives you access to a bunch of exciting additional features. Such features include access to the Vainu platform where you will have over 100 filters to choose between when conducting your segmentation. This means that you’ll be able to make a list of ideal companies that fit your precise specification and needs. Once you’ve done that, you can go to webCRM and easily import the entire list you just created, and immediately create relevant activities for your salespeople. Then you’ll have access to a brand-new list of relevant prospects that you can keep track of directly in webCRM.

Moreover, with Vainu Premium, all these companies’ profiles will be updated automatically in webCRM when any company change occurs. This means that the company information you have access to will always be accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make smarter decisions and take action sooner in your sales and marketing processes.


With Vainu for webCRM integration, you’ll get full company profiles, directly in your CRM, with access to a lot of company data points including:

  • Company type and description
  • Business ID
  • Street address, city and country
  • Employee count
  • Registration date
  • Industry code
  • Revenue and turnover
  • Gross margin
  • Equity
  • Company logo
  • People (CEO + board members)

… and more!

If these versions don’t quite scratch that itch and you want access to even more data, we also offer additional tailored solutions with webCRM. These solutions can give you access to additional data points and features for webCRM, such as category data, real estate data, vehicle data, or, our latest offering, Workflow Triggers. Contact us directly for more information.

How to get access to Vainu for webCRM

Are you currently using webCRM and want to learn more about the integration? Or perhaps you’re considering becoming a user of webCRM and using it alongside Vainu? Then you should check out webCRM’s website and learn more about what webCRM can do to lighten your workload.

👉Click here for more information!

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