Vainu’s Chrome Extension: Company Profiles on the Websites You Visit

Vainu Company View for Chrome will show the company information you need to build prospect lists and reach out in just one click.

Here’s how it works.

What can you do with Vainu Company View for Chrome?

The Chrome extension allows you to view a rich company profile whenever you visit a company’s website in just one click. You can easily view different company characteristics (firmographics, technographics, signals), such as:

  • Company name, address, and industry
  • Signals
  • Financial Information
  • Technologies
  • Locations

This means that you don’t have to search for the company that you’re looking at on other databases. Without leaving a company’s website, you can see all the information, increasing your productivity and speeding up your workflow.


Vainu’s customers will see a full company profile, and if you aren’t a Vainu customer yet, you can still use this extension, but you’ll see limited company information.

Here are the benefits of using this extension in a nutshell:

Speed up your prospecting activities

This extension helps you to determine quickly how good a prospect is in just one click. Want to see a company’s location? Its number of employees? Is the company growing and expanding? See all this information at a glance while you browse.

Get an overview of your prospects

Whenever you contact a prospect, you want to see the latest changes and other relevant information at a glance. The more you know about a company before reaching out, the more relevant your approach will be. That piece of data that can spark a conversation will be right in front of you. No more copying and pasting between apps, scribbling notes, or having multiple browser tabs open.

Getting started with Vainu Company View for Chrome

Vainu Company View for Chrome is available for all. And, it takes one minute to get started. Head over to the Chrome Web Store to download the extension. Once installed, whenever you visit a website, find the extensions icon on the top right corner of your Chrome browser. Click the Vainu icon to see the company profile.

If you’re not a Vainu user yet, but want to see extended company profiles, drop us a line, and we’ll show you how to get the most out of Vainu’s real-time company information.

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