This is who we are

Excluding Peter Pan and the Lost Boys of Neverland, everyone grows up. Even us, a brand. We recently decided to take a close look at ourselves and ask the very existential question, who are we? It's been almost a decade since our founding. Are we still the same as we were back then?

We realized that we weren't. We used to be more of a "go-getter," maybe even a little pushy sometimes. But, with age comes wisdom; since 2013, we've grown calmer, more comfortable, and more confident.

We're not pushy anymore. We're helpful. We're relevant. We're reliable. We pay attention to our customers, listen to their stories, and work together to help them succeed.

Because that's what we're all about: Helping others succeed.

In 2013, we focused on helping salespeople succeed, so much so that we became known as a sales prospecting tool.

Today, we still want to help the salesperson succeed, but we've also realized that we can do much more. We can help the company succeed, and that's why we're focusing on providing a holistic solution for the entire business.

But, even though a lot has changed, some things haven't: We still dream big and are always on the lookout for our next big challenge. One of our biggest challenges to date was entering the international market.

We knew we couldn't do things the same way in the international market that we were doing in the Nordics. We had to try something new, and that brought with it uncertainty. But that uncertainty didn't stop us, and after years of development, we've launched our new AI-powered global offering. It's something that we're confident hasn't been done before.

We're still figuring things out when it comes to who we are. We don't know what our final form will be. But what we do know is that we're on the right path. Hopefully, that much will be clear when you interact with us.

We've updated our website to reflect our brand identity better and to make it as intuitive and user-friendly as possible.

Vainu's new website

We're aiming to create content that you'll find relevant and helpful, and we'll be doing our best to help you succeed. 

We know that was a lot, but we had some stuff that we wanted to get off our chest. We hope that you'll join us on our journey.

All the best 👋

This is Vainu


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