See why 1100+ companies use Vainu to
grow their bottom line.

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  • Fill your sales pipeline with more ICP accounts by accessing our database containing millions of companies.
  • Spend less time doing account research and view all the relevant company information in one place.
  • Enrich your existing company records and build comprehensive company profiles to give your sales and marketing teams more to work with.
  • Reduce manual work through automation and let Vainu keep the data powering your business accurate and up to date.
  • Improve the timing and relevancy of your sales and marketing initiatives with Vainu’s timely sales alerts.
  • Refine the targeting of your sales and marketing campaigns using dozens of company attributes to create hyper-targeted company lists for, e.g., your ABM campaigns.
  • Contact the right decision-makers in the Nordics using our manually gathered and human-verified contact records.

Complete the sign-up form and start your free trial today. Our expert will reach out to walk you through the platform’s features and make sure your free trial is off to a great start.

Start your free trial today


Company profiles


Contacts in the Nordics


Proprietary industry categories


Web technologies


“What differentiates Vainu from its competitors is the UI’s simplicity, the scope of the data, and the easy-to-use API that serves well in building complex solutions. Vainu also provides good sparring and consultation.”

Jonathan Teir

Head of Analytics at Greenstep